UCOM_ToolsBPLibrary Documentation

This document provides details about the functions available in the UCOM_ToolsBPLibrary class.


Creates and returns a new instance of UCOM_Manager.

Parameter Type Description
N/A N/A This function does not take any parameters.
Return Type Description
UObject* Returns a new instance of UCOM_Manager.


Combines an array of debug log strings into a single string with each element on a new line.

Parameter Type Description
DebugLogs TArray<FString> The array of debug log strings to combine.
Return Type Description
FString Returns a single string with each element of the array on a new line.


Converts an integer array to a string with optional prepend and append strings.

Parameter Type Description
Array TArray<int32> The integer array to convert.
Prepend FString The string to prepend to the result.
Append FString The string to append to the result.
Return Type Description
FString Returns a string representation of the integer array with the specified prepend and append strings.

FPortInfo Struct Documentation

The FPortInfo struct holds comprehensive information about a port, including various identifiers and descriptive attributes. This structure is used to encapsulate all relevant data pertaining to a port for easy access and manipulation.

Property Type Description
PortName FString The name assigned to the port. This is typically a user-friendly name used to identify the port within applications.
KernelName FString The name of the port as recognized by the operating system kernel. This is used internally by the OS for port management.
DevicePath FString The full device path that provides the location of the port in the system's device tree.
KernelNameDevPath FString The combined kernel name and device path, providing a unique identifier for the port within the kernel's namespace.
DeviceID FString The unique identifier assigned to the port's device. This ID is used to differentiate the port from other devices in the system.
ParentDeviceID FString The unique identifier of the parent device to which this port is connected. This is useful for tracing the port's connection hierarchy.
DriverKeyName FString The key name of the driver associated with the port. This is used to load and manage the appropriate driver for the port.
Service FString The service name that manages the port. This is typically a system service responsible for handling port operations.
FriendlyName FString A user-friendly name that provides an easily recognizable description of the port. This is often displayed in user interfaces.
BusType FString The type of bus to which the port is connected (e.g., USB, PCI). This information helps in understanding the port's connection medium.
Class FString The class of the port, typically used to categorize the port within a certain group of similar ports for organizational purposes.

UCOM_Manager Class Documentation

The UCOM_Manager class provides various functionalities for managing serial port communication, including reading from and writing to serial ports, retrieving port information, and handling serial data events.


Starts reading data from the specified serial port with a specified BaudRate.

Parameter Type Description
PortName FString The name of the port to read from.
BaudRate int32 The baud rate for the serial communication.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
ByteSize int32 The byte size for the serial communication.
StopBits int32 The number of stop bits for the serial communication.
Parity int32 The parity setting for the serial communication.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Stops reading data from the serial port.

Parameter Type Description
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Retrieves the latest data read from the serial port.

Parameter Type Description
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
FString Returns the latest data read from the serial port.


Retrieves a list of available serial ports and their connected device names.

Parameter Type Description
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
TArray<FString> Returns an array of available serial ports and their connected device names.


Checks if the serial port reading thread is running.

Parameter Type Description
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
bool Returns true if the serial port reading thread is running, false otherwise.


Sends an integer value to the specified serial port.

Parameter Type Description
PortName FString The name of the port to send data to.
BaudRate int32 The baud rate for the serial communication.
Value int32 The integer value to send to the port.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
ByteSize int32 The byte size for the serial communication.
StopBits int32 The number of stop bits for the serial communication.
Parity int32 The parity setting for the serial communication.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Sends an array of integer values to the specified serial port.

Parameter Type Description
PortName FString The name of the port to send data to.
BaudRate int32 The baud rate for the serial communication.
Values TArray<int32>& The array of integer values to send to the port.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugLogs TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
ByteSize int32 The byte size for the serial communication.
StopBits int32 The number of stop bits for the serial communication.
Parity int32 The parity setting for the serial communication.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Retrieves detailed information about the specified port.

Parameter Type Description
PortName FString The name of the port to get information for.
Return Type Description
FPortInfo Returns a struct containing detailed information about the specified port.

UCOM_SaveLoad_Data Class Documentation

The UCOM_SaveLoad_Data class provides functions for saving and loading data to and from CSV files, as well as managing CSV file contents.


Saves data to a CSV file at the specified path with the given file name and slot name.

Parameter Type Description
SavePath FString The path where the CSV file will be saved. If empty, a default path is used.
FileName FString The name of the CSV file (without extension).
SlotName FString The slot name to be saved in the CSV file.
Value FString The value to be saved in the CSV file under the specified slot name.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
bool Returns true if the data was successfully saved to the CSV file, false otherwise.


Retrieves a list of CSV files from the specified directory path.

Parameter Type Description
Path FString The directory path to search for CSV files. If empty, a default path is used.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
CSVFiles TArray<FString>& Array to store the names of found CSV files.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Retrieves the slot names from a specific CSV file.

Parameter Type Description
Path FString The directory path where the CSV file is located. If empty, a default path is used.
FileName FString The name of the CSV file.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
SlotNames TArray<FString>& Array to store the retrieved slot names.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Retrieves the value for a specific slot name from a specific CSV file.

Parameter Type Description
Path FString The directory path where the CSV file is located. If empty, a default path is used.
FileName FString The name of the CSV file.
SlotName FString The slot name whose value needs to be retrieved.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
SlotValue FString& Reference to a string variable to store the retrieved slot value.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
bool Returns true if the slot value was successfully retrieved, false otherwise.


Converts a comma-separated string to an array of strings and optionally to an array of integers if all elements are numeric.

Parameter Type Description
String FString The comma-separated string to be converted.
StringArray TArray<FString>& Array to store the parsed string elements.
IntArray TArray<int32>& Array to store the parsed integer elements, if all elements are numeric.
Return Type Description
void This function does not return a value.


Removes a row with the given slot name from the CSV file and returns the updated array of slot names.

Parameter Type Description
Path FString The directory path where the CSV file is located. If empty, a default path is used.
FileName FString The name of the CSV file.
SlotName FString The slot name to be removed from the CSV file.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
UpdatedSlotNames TArray<FString>& Array to store the updated slot names after removal.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
bool Returns true if the slot was successfully removed, false otherwise.


Removes a CSV file from the specified path after showing a confirmation message box.

Parameter Type Description
Path FString The directory path where the CSV file is located. If empty, a default path is used.
FileName FString The name of the CSV file to be removed.
Debug bool Flag indicating whether to enable debugging logs.
DebugStrings TArray<FString>& Array to store debug log messages.
Return Type Description
bool Returns true if the file was successfully removed, false otherwise.